NPIAM Artist Keith Braveheart


The Northern Plains Indian Art Market (NPIAM) was established in 1988 by American Indian Services, Inc., of Sioux Falls, SD, as the Northern Plains Tribal Arts Show (NPTA). American Indian Services produced the juried art show and market from 1988 to 2003. Since 2004 Sinte Gleska University of Rosebud has been the producing organization. In the 25 years of its existence–one of the longest running Indian art shows in the country–over 800 artists from 7 northern plains states and two Canadian provinces have exhibited at NPTA/NPIAM.

Keith Braveheart is a NPIAM Native Artist. He believes that it is important to explore creativity and culture through the Northern Plains.

The Northern Plain Indian Art Market will be held on 09/29-30, 2018 at the Ramkota Exhibition Hall, Sioux Falls SD. Keith Braveheart’s artwork will be exhibited and you will be able to meet him in person.

NPIAM ART MARKET: 9/29-30, 2018


Keith BraveHeart